Wednesday, December 9, 2015

test of great bow

Staggering outside the balcony was the only time I smiled in the past years. Approaching the front post I  smirked once more only seeing with my eyes pigs. Livestock so unworthy I held up the bow. I raised my voice once again. I said so ever easily as the post was set up for people to prepare there  unworthy trials. There i stood as many started to rabble with nonsense nothing much more than lies. Only my true husband could make this shot i said. Will i see him today or an unworthy suitor. I thought again if someone could truly accomplish what Odysseus has done and there i acted again smirking and stood drinking my tea with a serious face.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

the bagger and the faithful dog

Hastily moving thy eyelids. Finally getting up from eternal slumber. The sun roasts as hot as a oven makes a pie crusty. It was time to get up to lay waste but getting up was to hard. The grass was 10 feet away it nearly took forever with my legs that moved slower than a snails fastest speed. Once done it had been time to sit down and enjoy slumbering once more. The sun sank and thy bed layed to be comfortable. Soon it was time to eat and ignore the child that threw the ball. I wasn't a good dog i was a lazy dog it was once more slumbering time.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jonathan Sedano

Isabellal Hernandez

Amelia Barrera

Dominique Hemmingson

The Witch Circe

As Circe looked out the window, she noticed a group of sailors sneaking about outside of her house. “Creeps,” she thought. “Coco,” she asked as she turned to her advisor, “What do you think I should do to them?”
“You should turn them into pigs,” Coco said.
“You there!” Coco exclaimed, “what lies here you are in search for?”
“We have come to一”
“Why don’t you enter my dwelling?”, Circe said, “ Enjoy thy hospitality.”
Circe had gone to the kitchen while Coco entertained the guests, later bringing them drinks.
“My secret recipe...” Circe added with a sly grin. The sailors had enjoyed the beverages.
“ What’s happening?!”  the sailor exclaimed, Only Circe’s grin grew wider as her ‘secret recipe’ took her toll on the men.
“You have activated my trump card”
“You deserve this , you filthy pigs!, Circe has expressed.
“What!?”, the sailor had exclaimed
“Snooping in my dwelling is UNACCEPTABLE!!!,” Circe had exclaimed.
The men oinked as they were transformed into pigs.
Meanwhile, Hermes, the messenger god, was traveling onward towards the dwelling awaiting to give Odysseus something to fight against Circe’s magic.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

our table came up with this....

Jonathan Sedano
Isabella Hernandez
Amelia Barrera
Dominique Hemmingson

Boyfriend cheated

I was walking down the barely lit sidewalk from a long and exhausting day from work, the scent of fresh roses filled the air from my present to Zach. Two year passed of our relationship and i enjoyed every one bit of it. Walking up the steps of apartment I grabbed my keys, began to sway open the door, no one around and it was suspiciously quiet. I decided to go to my room. As I approached the bedroom door, I heard the shuffling of footsteps across the floor, swaying open the door I saw Zach looking disheveled.
I scanned the room and then looked at Zach, “What's Going on?”   
“Oh... um,” Zach stuttered. All of a sudden I heard a rustle in the closet. As I walked towards the closet my curiosity grew. A gleam of sweat emerged from Zach’s forehead. My hand reached for the closet door. When I opened the door I saw a girl looking barely dressed. She looked up at me shockingly. Coco! I exclaimed. Coco looked at the girl infront of her
“Hi “ Coco said.
I slapped that female dog right across her cake face.  I grabbed her out from the closet. I kicked her in her throat and blood came out. Ronda Rousey only had experienced this pain.
walking outside I left the apartment leaving with all my pride. I couldn't believe it had been my friend since kindergarten.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

child hood memories showing paragraph

Looking outside the light rays shined bright in my face beside the window. the warmth was enough but looking outside at my lawn was my dog looking for a spot. Tapping against the window made a flicker sound that could be heard outside. Unheard of my dog crouched and began to lay waste. It was then that the mushy, brown, and soft texture began to take its place on the rough jagged ground. After i could hear the grass make a rumbling noise as my dog was sliding down a slope after laying waste on his bottom. i remembered staring at the poop and how i ate a jelly bean the flavor of waste and i could taste the soft texture that made me want to vomit.

Monday, November 16, 2015

childhood memories

1: strange
I was day dreaming noticing the slow pace of the class during my elementary class. Nothing but the usual except i was thinking about a thought i had about a class.I had forgotten than chose to do something else but it wasn't till i walked into my 7th grade class i saw the exact image i had thought of.

2: embarrassing
Always being told the story i had been reminded more than often this one. My brother shacking me of an early age being a baby he shook me in the air. As my parents warned to stop he didn't as he shook harder and i soon began to throw up my breakfast as his mouth was opened.

3: funny 
looking outside i had witnessed my dog finding a spot on the ground. Searching I was confused on why he was confused looking around. It was then when he crouched and the result being poop on the grass. It was late he slid on his bottom down a slope of grass we have in our backyard watching him go I laughed.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

showing paragraph #1

telling sentence: mondays are wonderful/horrible

The screeching alarm only enraging my ears, getting out of bed was horrible enough. Getting changed in the most utterly way i felt the weight on my bones from the down clothes. Smelling breakfast wasn't enough to persuade my body to return to slumber. The fork tearing apart the scramble eggs only showed my fury. Nothing more but a soft taste texture that i hated.Looking outside was only the sunshine that shined in my eyes constantly warming my face.  Walking outside smelling the time of spring when I only wanted to fall in my bed. The radio was nothing but ringing in my ears of the worst of this generations pop-culture. As arrived the bell rang another day, but not any day but the worst day of the week.. monday.