Wednesday, December 9, 2015

test of great bow

Staggering outside the balcony was the only time I smiled in the past years. Approaching the front post I  smirked once more only seeing with my eyes pigs. Livestock so unworthy I held up the bow. I raised my voice once again. I said so ever easily as the post was set up for people to prepare there  unworthy trials. There i stood as many started to rabble with nonsense nothing much more than lies. Only my true husband could make this shot i said. Will i see him today or an unworthy suitor. I thought again if someone could truly accomplish what Odysseus has done and there i acted again smirking and stood drinking my tea with a serious face.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

the bagger and the faithful dog

Hastily moving thy eyelids. Finally getting up from eternal slumber. The sun roasts as hot as a oven makes a pie crusty. It was time to get up to lay waste but getting up was to hard. The grass was 10 feet away it nearly took forever with my legs that moved slower than a snails fastest speed. Once done it had been time to sit down and enjoy slumbering once more. The sun sank and thy bed layed to be comfortable. Soon it was time to eat and ignore the child that threw the ball. I wasn't a good dog i was a lazy dog it was once more slumbering time.