Thursday, October 22, 2015

teen culture- Body image

 Beauty deals with fashion and sometimes people do not achieve beauty as others may view. Beauty is  a matter of opinion looking at the persons perspective outside of there skin but inside not judging at all what type of person they are. This means that many people without the perceived opinion are  a outcast as they can see in the industry they see today.Teen culture applies to personality only dealing with fashion. Teens don't feel as accomplished with there own selves even knowing they can change that. The only thing they cant change is true beauty which strikes many problems in a teen's life as there own personality isn't even being looked at. They perceive and dictate the matter of opinion in fashion creating trends only for the worst if perceived from someone is doesn't like themselves. They can only appeal to there own industry with the striking looks as trend's have shown. People who are prettier have many advantages first of being not an outcast from society.  People tend to dictate people with there looks often making people get ideas from that person thinking differently as one person might do so. I do not think looks matter, if anything looks is based off of many industries and unreliable opinions. Society creates problems with trying to scale other people if we take that away we can see the true nature within all of us.


  1. what about the people that aren't affected by the media?what do they think of all this focus on beauty?

  2. I agree with Sebastian, some people are not affected by media and don't care what others think about them.

  3. I disagree with both of you. The video that we were shown was focused on the people who are affected while it is true that some people don´t most do because everyone can just brush off a comment and take it lightly like some. Besides everyone still has a moment in their life where someone had said something to you and it did bother you, because no one is invincible.

  4. I agree with Dominique. The whole purpose of the video is to reflect the views of self image that the media portrays. Jonathan has a very well written view of the topic.

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